Hello World, I'm Dottie
Hi there Hokie friends,
After making my debut as the voice of Gobble de Art, I have appreciated all the love and support. I can’t wait to take you on my many adventures in Blacksburg, and throughout the beautiful Hokie Nation. Before I begin sharing my adventures with you, I wanted to introduce myself a little better so you all can get to know me.
As you know, my name is Hokie Pokie Dot, Dottie for short. I’ve nested in the beautiful mountain town of Blacksburg Virginia my whole life—no complaints here! I love watching football, but I’m surprisingly good at tennis. I enjoy long walks on the Huckleberry, but I am the worst at flying—heights terrify me! You might as well consider me a linguist because I am fluent in two languages; English and Gobbler. I love celebrating, but Thanksgiving is my least favorite holiday… for reasons I don’t want to talk about.
My family always comes first: Momma Hokie Pokie Dot, Mr. Executive, Lieutenant Colonel Cadet, Sir Fore the Hokies, Hokie Stone (we call him Steve) and LPD bird. I have a ton of extended family too! My Momma lives at the Hyatt in Blacksburg, but my siblings and I don’t have homes yet. If you are interested in adopting us, you can find us at our nest, https://www.gobbledeart.org/collections/all?page=2.
Anyways, it’s nice to chat with you all. Bye for now, I can’t wait to see you on my next adventure! Get the latest updates by following me and my flock family on Instagram at gobble_de_art.
With love,